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SEO is an essential part of any marketing plan, whether you’re attempting to sell a product, raise brand awareness, or generate more leads. It will improve the visibility of your website in the Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs) and drive more organic traffic to it. However, as you may be aware, SEO trends change regularly. You must be well-versed in the newest trends and execute them to stay ahead

of the game by adopting these changes early.

To help you get a head start on the new year, we’ve compiled a list of the top 5 SEO trends to watch in 2021. Let’s take a look at the first trend.

Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs)


The way SERPs function these days has evolved and altered dramatically over time. Ad sharing is becoming more popular, answer boxes and featured snippets are receiving more clicks, and the “People Also Ask” feature (introduced in 2018) is becoming critical.

Not only that, but some video results may now appear above text-based organic search results.

As a result, the percentage of organic clicks has plummeted.

There has also been an increase in the amount of zero-click searches. There is no longer any requirement to visit a website by clicking on a link. The solutions to a searcher’s questions are right there on the search results page, making SEO more challenging than ever.

You’ll need to diversify and use various methods, like omnichannel marketing and long-tail keywords, to increase traffic to your site.

ClickFlow and other similar tools can help you test how effective your web page or pages are at increasing organic traffic, building links, and creating new content.

Mobile Optimization

Over time, the use of mobile devices has increased. Furthermore, the most popular method of accessing the internet is through a mobile device.

According to a survey, mobile searches account for 60% of all Google searches. Your site must be mobile-friendly if you want to attract search engine users.

One of the main reasons that search engine giant Google announced mobile-first indexing was the rise in mobile devices to access the internet. Google indexes your mobile version of your website first, before your desktop version, thanks to the advent of mobile-first indexing.

If your site is not mobile-optimized, Google will not rank your pages among the high competition for your keywords.

Start by testing how pleasant your site is on mobile devices to make it mobile-optimized. It can be determined by taking a Google mobile-friendly test.

Type in your website’s URL and hit “Run Test.” The tool will analyze your website and tell you whether or not it is mobile-friendly.

The tool will also reveal any potential mobile-friendliness issues with your site. You will provide a better site experience for mobile users if you take action based on the advice.

Using a mobile-responsive theme is the best answer. This implies that your website will adjust to any device’s screen size on which it is visited.

Voice Search

Optimize Voice Search

Another trend to keep an eye on is voice search. Voice search isn’t new; it accounted for one out of every five Google searches on Android in 2016. However, in 2021, its popularity will only increase. Voice retail is expected to reach $40 billion in the United States by 2022.

The accuracy of voice transcription is one of the main reasons for its popularity. Google and Microsoft’s voice transcription technologies have only 5.1 percent mistake rates.

The introduction of smart speakers such as Google Home, Amazon Echo, and Apple HomePod has increased the popularity of voice search. According to research, one out of every six adults in the United States possesses an intelligent speaker.

Create conversational content, as voice searches are often conversational in nature, and target long-tail keywords to make your website optimized for voice search.

Do you require more assistance in putting your SEO plan into action? Working with SEO professionals can assist you in developing content for your website that is not just SEO-optimized but also voice search-optimized.

Long-Form Content

Getting a high ranking on search engines is becoming increasingly difficult. Short-form content and keyword stuffing will not help you reach the same level of success in search results as before.

In today’s world, long and thorough content has the best chance of ranking highly. According to Google’s search quality requirements, your material should respond to search queries correctly.

Your content should also demonstrate a high level of experience, authority, and reliability. It implies that the author is an expert on the subject and has power over the content and the website on which it appears. Furthermore, the author and the website should be reputable. Content creators must invest time, effort, skill, and experience into their work to put this into practice.

Local SEO

The key to local company success is attracting search engine users who reside locally. Many searches are conducted with a regional focus. According to Google, nearly four out of every five people use search engines to do local queries.

Furthermore, these customers are quick to act. Within a day of completing a local search, 50% of consumers who conduct their search on their mobile phones and 34% of consumers who work their search on a tablet or computer visit a store.

You add your business details to local listings across multiple search directories for all of your locations and implement a reputation management strategy to improve your local search rankings. According to reports, 85 percent of consumers trust online reviews just as much as personal recommendations.

Wrapping Up

Those as mentioned above are five of the most important SEO trends to watch in 2021, although new ones could appear at any time. SEO trends, like any other marketing trend, are constantly changing. If you don’t keep up with the current trends, your company will lag behind, risk losing its ranking and miss out on being found by searchers when it matters most.

To stay updated with the latest SEO trends for your business, please schedule a meeting today!